Tips For Post-Operative Care For Breast Augmentation

 If you want the implants to last for the longest possible time, the right kind of post-operative care is of utmost importance. You can take care of the breast implants at home if you just follow a couple of simple ideas and have a good post surgery kit. Here is how you can take care of the implants after the surgery: 


Take time to heal:
You will have to follow the instructions of your doctor, and give yourself enough time to heal. In most cases, women can go back to work after about seven to ten days. However, they are not allowed to lift anything heavy for at least five to six weeks. Take it easy, and don’t strain your surgical area. The long term results of the surgery depend on how you take care of the implants in the short-term. 

Get the right type of bra:
You will get a surgical bra right after your surgery, which you will need to rely on for a couple of weeks. The doctor will inform you about when you can go back to the usual bras.  

Even when you go back to wearing your usual bras, you will have to start with something that does not have an underwire. The underwire will irritate the incisions under your breast. It will take a few months for you to go back to underwired bras. However, you will have to wear a bra every day after the surgery to support the breasts and make sure that they do not sag. 

Learn the breast massage technique:
Implant displacement is a breast massaging technique that your doctor will ask you to do after you have healed quite a bit from the procedure. It is the kind of massage where you will have to move the implants inside breast pockets. Implant displacement is to be performed more often during the initial period and less frequently thereafter. The massage is supposed to keep the implants supple and soft. Your surgeon will show you how to do it. 

For speedy recovery, also make sure to also get your hands on the products from breast augmentation recovery collection by Barrett Plastic Surgery.


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